Thursday, February 9, 2012

Marketing Discussion - Linkedin

I have been following and contributing to a discussion on 'Linkedin' regarding - "Sure could use some advice". Here are their comments and mine.

Sure could use some advice on how to promote my auto-art.

Many of my photos lend themselves to the 'diner' mentality and certainly to automobile shops, both repair and sales... No idea how to market to them. Any ideas? Check out what I mean? Click on the link here. Feedback valued.

Mark Kaye Kaukas Don't..............If you are a true artist, your work will promote itself ! If you need to push it - You are a fake. There was an artist who cut off his ear (that is what he is remembered for), there was an artist who spent 30 years on his back, painting a ceiling (that is what he is remembered for). How many body parts are you willing to give up, to become a celebrity ? The last thing you will give your soul. 

Tracy Lee Carroll I'm sorry, but Mark Kaye Kaukas, I can't agree with your advice to Rita, especially in a time when there is so much out there screaming for our attention. As an artist, I have seen so many talented people in all genres in creative fields _not_ get noticed. Just because someone is talented, does not mean that their work will be seen or heard. Have you ever heard a talented musician who never makes it big? How about a musician that is not all that talented, but does make it big? What's the difference? Promotion.

Art for art's sake is great and pure, but if one wants to make a living through art, they need to promote their work. To do so, they do not have to cut off their ear or lay on their back for 30 years (Is that really all you think about when you think of these artists?).

The real trouble artists have and have had through the ages is now to be a successful business person as well as a successful creative person. Those two traits rarely go hand in hard easily together. If you know anything about how the brain works, that is easy to understand. That is often why artists (as well as other talented people, think athletes) hire agents or agencies to, like Jim Palam's, to help promote and mange their business side of things so they can concentrate on doing what they do best -- create.

Marketing one's work does not mean they have to sell their soul, although there are many that do. We all know plenty of examples of that. There is a delicate balance that can be made in which the artist is successful in their craft and is able to monetize their work and be successful as a business as well.

Lastly, Mark Kaye Kaukas, let me ask you a question, where would your business be if you didn't promote it? 

Mark Kaye Kaukas My business promotes itself. I learnt long ago that if have to search for customers, I generally end up with 1% of all the time, effort and budget that I put into it. After any particular 12 month activity period it always seems to be 99% non productive. I am sure the Advertisers and Marketers want to convince me that advertising and promoting works - but it really only works for them to line their pockets.
Someone famous once said that "Only 50% of your advertising budget works - the problem is, which 50%". If my business is good, if my art is good, it will eventually sell itself. Only "salesmen" like to think that you need them - wrong!
I have run my business as a sole operator since 1982. I sold my first business for a profit (I started that, in 1980). Since then, I have acquired a 'Bachelor of Arts' an 'Associate Diploma in Marketing Management' and various Teaching and Training qualifications.
I love what I do for money - that is: Polishing Cars, it is an artform. I could do lots of other things for money, but I don't - I love playing with cars and motorcycles.
I do not waste money and effort on promotions and advertising - my work speaks for itself - 90% of my work comes from "word-of-mouth". My customers sell my business for me!
I have a niche market - this business is so much about personality and knowledge. I know that the customer who goes out of his/her way to find me, is a customer who really 'wants' me, and I will retain them forever.
Here, have an acorn. - In the end it all comes down to 'me'. And I tell them honestly when I know they are shopping around for price and quality, that what it all comes down to is : Do you like me or not? As simple as that. I am an artist, and if you like my product (which is me) you will buy. If you don't, fuck off and annoy someone else.
I offer integrity - there is no compromise.

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